Исходный код mldev.utils

# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# For details: https://gitlab.com/mlrep/mldev/-/blob/master/NOTICE.md

Execution utils module

This module provides utils to execute internal mldev command from shell scripts
and external scripts from stages.


import os
import signal
import subprocess
from mldev_config_parser.config_parser import MLDevSettings
from mldev import logger
import time
from pathlib import Path

[документация]def exec_tool_command(cmdline, extra="mldev", environ=None): """ Executes the given tool command :param cmdline: with shell. See ``exec_command`` for more details :param cmdline: command to execute (relative to ``install_dir``) :param environ: additional environment for the tool command :return: instance of ``CompletedProcess`` """ install_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir)) tool_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, extra) return exec_command(f"{tool_dir}/{cmdline}", env=environ)
[документация]def shell_quote(s: str): """ Escapes and quotes string ``s`` :param s: :return: """ return f"\"{shell_escape(s)}\""
[документация]def shell_escape(s: str, shell_symbols="\"\'"): """ If any control symbols - prepend '\' Double '\' to '\\' :param s: a string to escape :param shell_symbols: a string with control characters to escape :return: escaped string """ s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\") for c in shell_symbols: s = s.replace(c, '\\' + c) return f"{s}"
def cast_values_to_strs(dictionary): result = dict() for k in dictionary: result[k] = str(dictionary[k]) return result
[документация]def exec_command(cmdline, env=None, capture=False): """ Executes the given :param cmdline: with shell. Passes current ''os.environ'' to the command. Calls ''setenv.sh'' script before running the command Raises exception if subordinate command fails :param cmdline: command line to execute :param env: additional environment for command :param capture: if True, then capture output in ``CompletedProcess.stdout`` :return: instance of ``CompletedProcess`` """ environ = dict() environ.update(cast_values_to_strs(os.environ)) environ.update(cast_values_to_strs(MLDevSettings().environ)) if env: environ.update(cast_values_to_strs(env)) kwargs = { 'shell': True, 'check': True, 'universal_newlines': True, 'env': environ } if capture: kwargs.update( { 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': subprocess.STDOUT } ) logger.debug(f"Running command: '{cmdline}' with kwargs={kwargs}") return subprocess.run(f'{cmdline}', **kwargs)
[документация]def prepare_experiment_command(cmdline, env=None): """ Makes a single string to run the given :param cmdline: with shell. Passes :param env: to the command by prepending with ``export``. :param cmdline: command line to execute :param env: additional environment to pass :return: a cmdline that runs in venv """ if not env: env = dict() # env.update(cast_values_to_strs(os.environ)) # env.update(cast_values_to_strs(MLDevSettings().environ)) env = cast_values_to_strs(env) envline = "".join([f'export {k}={shell_quote(v)}; ' for k, v in env.items()]) venv_path = "./venv/bin/activate" call_line = f"source \"{venv_path}\" && {cmdline}" return f'/bin/bash -c ' \ f"'{envline + call_line}'"
[документация]def check_kill_process(pstring): """ TODO docs :param pstring: "returns: """ # todo use check_output or similar # todo kill only those that started by mldev for line in os.popen("ps ax | grep " + pstring + " | grep -v grep"): fields = line.split() pid = fields[0] os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
def touch_file(file, is_dir=False): try: if not is_dir: dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file)) os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True) with open(file, 'a'): ... else: os.makedirs(file, exist_ok=True) except OSError as e: logger.warning(e) def get_path_times(path, min_ts=time.time(), max_ts=0): # this function currently calculates times from all files in dir missing = False try: file_ts = os.path.getmtime(str(path)) min_ts = min(file_ts, min_ts) max_ts = max(file_ts, max_ts) for f in Path(str(path)).rglob("*"): try: file_ts = os.path.getmtime(str(f)) min_ts = min(file_ts, min_ts) max_ts = max(file_ts, max_ts) except OSError: pass except OSError: missing = True return min_ts, max_ts, missing def set_path_times(path, times=(time.time(), time.time())): # this function currently updates times for all files in dir # does not work :( missing = False try: os.utime(str(path), times) for f in Path(str(path)).rglob("*"): try: os.utime(str(f), times) except OSError: pass except OSError: missing = True return not missing